Le Retour - Etienne CD

Foreign Language Gifts for Middle Schoolers

Cindy Tracy

Books are tougher to recommend because here it depends on their reading ability in English AND the foreign language. We have LOTS of easy readers - in French, Spanish, German and Italian many include audio cds so they can listen to a native speaker read the story aloud. I can make specific recommendations individually.

Audio cds are tougher for this age too - face it, they want to listen to their own music! I recommend any of Etienne's CDs for French or Spanish, Lingo Tech for German. DVDs are tough - finding authentic films appropriate (G-PG) for middle schoolers, but here are a few:
Spanish - Casi Casi, Carol's Journey, Under the Same Moon
French - Asterix, Tintin, My Father's Glory, My Mother's Castle, Small Change, L'Avion, Etre et Avoir, Les Choristes,
German - For these you need a code-free dvd player! - german-films-and-asterix-titles---german-and-german-dialects.cfm
Asterix, Emil und die Detektive, Pünktchen und Anton DVD, Momo, Vorstadt Krokodile dvd
Chinese - The Road Home, Warm Spring
You have to email me for other languages - polyglot@wor.com

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