
Monthly Drawing

Cindy Tracy

We just had a simple link before for the drawing - but I think it was confusing. No one entered our drawing in May, so I updated the form and think it is easier to use. I also SLASHED the prices on videos - these are REAL bargains for people...

Films in Spanish with Spanish Subtitles

Cindy Tracy2 comments

I was exhibiting at a conference today and a Spanish teacher complained that none of the dvds of films in Spanish had Spanish subtitles. I knew that most had only English subtitles, but I also knew some actually had a choice of Spanish or English subtitles. So I then looked...

Eric Carle - 40th anniversary!

Cindy Tracy

Did you know it is the 40th anniversary of his famous book – The Very Hungry Caterpillar? In honor of that, we are adding foreign language and bilingual editions of his books. We already have them listed and in stock in French, Spanish, German, Italian, Arabic, Chinese, Turkish, and more...

$500 Cash and Prizes Contests

Cindy Tracy

I knew that title would get your attention. Some of you already know that Etienne and World of Reading are sponsoring a contest for French and Spanish students to create a video - in French to the rap "Pourquoi take French?" and in Spanish - to any song on the Educorock...