Wo in der Welt ist Carmen Sandiego

Foreign Language Learning & ESL Software


SKU: 3803243114 United Soft Media Verlag

Wo in der Welt ist Carmen Sandiego - German version of 'Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego' on CD-ROM for PC or Mac. Work on your geography and German skills at the same time! Detailed maps of 50 countries. Sentences in 12 other languages you can learn. The library has informative maps, photos and videos.

Carmen Sandiego requires: 16MB RAM; 640x480 display; 256 colors; 8X CD-ROM drive; 3 MB free hard drive space; 16 bit sound card. For PC: Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP; Pentium 166MHz+.
For Macintosh: OS 9.2+; PowerPC.