The Usborne Everyday Words Sticker Book in German - over 200 Stickers with New German spelling. This entertaining German sticker book is designed to help children develop their German vocabulary and reading skills. Matching the words on the pages to those on the stickers is great fun and encourages active learning as children learn to associate words with objects. The charming scenes provide plenty to talk about and pre-readers will enjoy simply spotting and naming familiar things.
This book is excellent on a number of different levels. In addition to having over 500 common words in German (mostly nouns), the illustrations are detailed and exemplary. The words are laid out around a large, central illustration that covers one theme, like "der garten" (the garden), "das wohnzimmer" (the living room) or "der bauernhof" (the farm). The words themselves are illustrated with small pictures of the named objects, like "die kuh" for a cow, "die uhr" for a clock or "das T-shirt" for a you-know-what! These objects are used again in the large illustration, so part of the book's appeal is it's seek-and-find quality. Looking at the picture of the garage, can you find a match? A moth? A pail? How about "der schraubenschlussel" (a wrench)? They're actually trickier to find than you might think, so the book will maintain a child's interest after they grow tired of reading the German words.
The illustrations themselves are incredibly detailed, appearing to be made out of clay and material. A kindly grandfather is complete with white hair, bushy moustache and green checked shirt. A boy's hair is composed of individual strips of clay and the dog is seen running off with an ice cream cone in his mouth (that is, der hund with die eis in der mund). The people and children are multicultural and gender balanced. Clearly, it took untold hours to illustrate this work.
Paperback, 24 pages.