Mi pequeña historia de la Pascua

Foreign Language Learning and ESL Books and Games


SKU: 9781558831704 Libros Desafio

Mi pequeña historia de la Pascua by Christina Goodings and illustrated by Claudine Gévry. This simple and sincere retelling of the Easter story in Spanish is perfect for the under 5s, introducing them to the story at the heart of the festival and its message of love. Bright illustrations help the story along, telling little children about all the events of the first Easter: Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and Palm Sunday; Jesus' clearing of the Temple; the Last Supper and Judas' betrayal; Jesus' Crucifixion and Resurrection; the appearance of the risen Jesus to the women at the tomb; and the spreading of the good news throughout the world.

Small hardback book, 30 pages.

Permite que esta historia te lleve al momento de la primerísima Pascua...desde el emocionante Domingo de Ramos, por el triste Viernes Santo hasta la gran mañana del Domingo de Resurrección.