Felix Navidad book and cd is a bilingual celebration of Christmas traditions in Mexico through the magic of song. This beautifully illustrated book will teach the reader about the rich heritage, culture and beliefs of Mexico during this delightful season. Narrated and sung in Spanish. Follow a family as they reflect on memories of seasons past and celebrate the holiday with their favorite Christmas songs. This beautiful, illustrated Christmas book will teach the reader about the rich heritage, culture and beliefs of Mexico during this delightful season. This fully illustrated book is narrated in Spanish and the songs are sung in Spanish along with the English version. English translations are also included. Hardback, 32 pages.
Includes well-known and traditional songs:
Feliz Navidad (Merry Christmas)
Canción de Adviento (The Advent Song)
Adornemos Nuestras Casas (Deck the Halls)
Venid, Adoremos (O Come All Ye Faithful)
La Primera Navidad (The First Noël)
Felicidad al Mundo (Joy to the World)
La Marimorena (Traditional Song)
Jesús en Pesebre (Away in a Manger)
Campana Sobre Compana (Traditional Song)
Los Peces en el Rio (Traditional Song)
Canción de las Posadas (Traditional Song)
Canción de la Piñata (Traditional Song)
Dale Dale Dale (Traditional Song)
Noche de Paz (Silent Night)
Noche Sagrada (O Holy Night)
A la Nanita, Nana (Traditional Lullaby)
Fum Fum Fum (Traditional Song)
Cascabel (Jingle Bells)
Los Tres Reyes (We Three Kings)
El Niño del Tambor (Little Drummer Boy)
Si Quiero que Haya Paz (Let There Be Peace on Earth)