Cool Cahier - An easy way to introduce junior/ intermediate students to notebook organization and to independent learning with these reproducible sheets. It offers them accessible information that will provide them with a solid foundation for oral and written communication. The package includes a variety of sheets. Choose the ones that will best meet the needs of your students!
Organizing your students' notebooks using Cool Cahier!!! will help to prepare them for a successful year of French. This package is made up of ten core sheets. You will find an activity encouraging goal-setting and the importance of French. There are student notebook guidelines along with a teacher evaluation form. In addition, there is a series of reference sheets detailing classroom expressions, numbers, verb conjugations, grammar, French accents and useful vocabulary. With three related exercises "fun"tastiques and the answer sheet, you may further review these structures with your students.
Ideally, this process would begin in September; however, January is also a good starting point. Photocopy the first seven sheets of the package and have students glue them into their notebooks. Keep in mind that some can be glued on the inside covers, and on the first and last few pages of the notebook. Certain sheets will need to be excluded depending upon grade level. It is very important to explain each sheet in detail, allowing for some English to be spoken. This approach will ensure clear use for the remainder of the year. Remember, providing students with easily accessible information encourages them to be further independent. With the classroom expression sheet, the teacher may now insist that students ask him/her questions only in French. The teacher evaluation form has a dual purpose. Its set-up allows teachers to evaluate notebook organization skills. They may also choose random activities within the notebook, and use them toward an assessment for daily written work.
Students will enjoy having a Cool Cahier!!!, because an improvement in oral and written accuracy equals success!