A Survey of French Literature - Volume 1 - This French literature textbook covers literature from The Middle Ages and the Sixteenth Century. By Morris Bishop and revised by Kenneth River - Third Edition. A new and updated edition of a classic anthology. Selections in French, with introductory material and notes in English. Includes time lines, introductions to each period and its culture, and short biographies of the authors.
Table of Contents
(All works are complete unless otherwise indicated.)
The Middle Ages
1. La Chanson de Roland (Selections)(Translation into modern French by Henri Chamard)
2. Le Roman courtois - Le Roman de Tristan et Iseut (Selections) - Le Philtre, La Mort (Translated into modern French by Joseph Bédier), Marie de France, Lai du Laustic (Translated into modern French by B. de Roquefort)
3. Aucassin et Nicolette (Abridged) - (Translated into modern French by Alexandre Bida)
4. Le Roman de la Rose (Selections) - The Trickery of Women, The Aims, Devices, and Might of Nature (Translated into modern French by Pierre Marteau)
5. Medieval Theater - Le Jeu d’Adam (Excerpts) (Translated into modern French by Henri Chamard), La Farce du cuvier (Abridged) (Translated into modern French by Gassies des Brulies), La Farce de Maître Pathelin Translated into modern French by Pierre-François Giroud)
6. Lyric Poetry - D’Orléans, Rondeaux, Pisan, De triste coeur chanter joyeusement, Villon, Le Grand Testament (Selections), L’Épitaphe (Translated into modern French by Jules de Marthold)
The Sixteenth Century
7. Calvin - Traité sur la Foi
8. Rabelais - L’Abbaye de Thélème from Gargantua et Pantagruel (Selections) (Translated into modern French by Raoul Mortier)
9. Renaissance Poets: Marot and Labé; La Pléiade: Du Bellay and Ronsard, Marot, A une demoiselle malade, Labé, Sonnet VII: On voit mourir toute chose animée, Sonnet VIII: Je vis, je meurs: je me brûle et me noye, Sonnet XIII: Oh si j’estois en ce beau sein ravie, Sonnet XXIII: Las! Que me sert, que si parfaitement, Du Bellay, L’Olive, Si notre vie est moins qu’une journée, Ces cheveux d’or sont les liens, Madame, Les Antiquités de Rome, Sacrés coteaux, et vous, saintes ruines, Les Regrets, Je ne veux point fouiller au sein de la nature, France, mère des arts, des armes et des lois, Heureux qui, comme Ulysse, a fait un beau voyage, Flatter un créditeur pour son terme allonger, D’un vanneur de blé aux vents, Épitaphe d’un petit chien, Ronsard, Ode à Corydon, Cassandre, Marie, La Nature amoureuse, Hélène,
10. Montaigne - Au lecteur, Des Cannibales (Slightly abridged)
Paperback, 152 pages