1000 Jahre deutsche Literatur - Von den Anfängen bis zur Aufkärung

Foreign Language Learning and ESL Books and Games


SKU: 9781585102877 Hackett Publishing

1000 Jahre deutsche Literatur - Von den Anfängen bis zur Aufkärung - 2nd edition. This third-year German textbook introduces students to early German literature in an appropriate historical and cultural context. More than an anthology, 1000 Jahre is a text of carefully chosen readings, designed for high interest and pedagogical affect. Includes interesting and teachable original writings in Old High German. The emphasis throughout is on cultural and historical events which bring the selections to life and provide a context for the literature.

The text includes sound exercises on content and more thought-provoking questions. All material has been extensively class-tested and reviewed.

Questions are integrated into each chapter:
KAPITEL 1- Das Germanentum
KAPITEL 2 - Frühes Mittelalter
KAPITEL 3 - Hohes Mittelalter oder das christlich-ritterliche Mittelalter
KAPITEL 4 - Spätes Mittelalter
KAPITEL 5 - Das Zeitalter der Reformation
KAPITEL 6 - Das Zeitalter des Dreißigjährigen Kriegs und das Barock
KAPITEL 7 - Die Aufklärung
206 pages, paperback.