L'Imagerie Books from Fleurus Editions


L'Imagerie Books from Fleurus Editions

Cindy Tracy

I have been bad, and have severely neglected my blog, working on a completely revamped version of our website. Please take a look at wor.com and let me know what you think! Today I want to tell you about a series of delightful French books I found from a pulisher...

Proverbs in different languages

Cindy Tracy

I saw this on the omniglot website and had to share. Some of these sayings are really thought-provoking. If you want to understand them in the original language, please check out our language learning products at www.wor.com Arabic قوّة الإنسان فى عقله و لسانه (qūwatu l-ʾinsāni fi ʿaqlihi wa lisānihi)...

Foreign Language Gifts for High Schoolers to Adults

Cindy Tracy

Ok, I will first echo what I said about books for middle schoolers - books depend on their reading ability in English and the target language as well as the type of book they are interested in!Audio cds - for French or Spanish - anything by Etienne. He writes rock,...

Foreign Language Gifts for Middle Schoolers

Cindy Tracy

Books are tougher to recommend because here it depends on their reading ability in English AND the foreign language. We have LOTS of easy readers - in French, Spanish, German and Italian many include audio cds so they can listen to a native speaker read the story aloud. I can...