The Top 8 Books for Learning French: Elementary French Curriculum 

NewsFrench Books

The Top 8 Books for Learning French: Elementary French Curriculum 

Cindy Tracy

Learning a new language is a wonderful experience as there is a plethora of learning books to choose from.

Six Effective Ways to Boost your Child's Learning and Development through Books

Cindy Tracy1 comment

Reading books impact both the physical and mental health of a child. Those beneficial effects can last a lifetime. Using MRI scans, research teams have confirmed that reading involves a massive pattern of circuits and signals in the brain.

Importance of reading at an early age

Cindy Tracy

Reading is a source that develops your mind and helps it grow. Reading not only enhances your language skills but also enhances your writing skills. Books are the way you can travel the whole world while sitting in your room.

Quelle Histoire Series

Cindy Tracy

We offered a few titles in this series and had many requests for more titles - They are now in stock!!!  Never heard of this series?