Elementary School Teachers
We have elementary curriculum for Spanish, French, and Mandarin Chinese.
We have games in French, Spanish, German, Italian, Mandarin Chinese for elementary age children -
We have dvds in French, Spanish, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic for elementary age children
We have audio cds in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, English for ESOL and Multilingual
We have elementary Books in dozens of languages – many of which we will offer discounts on class sets
For the other 100+ languages, we have Books, Audio cds, Software.
Middle School Teachers
We have middle school curriculum for Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese.
For exploratory courses, email us at polyglot@wor.com for specific recommendations depending on the language.
We have games in French, Spanish, German, Italian, Mandarin Chinese, Norwegian, Hebrew, Dutch -
We have dvds in French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese
We have middle school appropriate Books in dozens of languages – many of which we will offer discounts on class sets
For the other 100+ languages, we have Books, Audio cds, Software.
High School Teachers
We have specialized high school curriculum for Spanish, French, German, Mandarin Chinese, Russian.
We have games in French, Spanish, German, Italian, Mandarin Chinese, Norwegian, Hebrew, Dutch -
We have dvds in French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese
We have high school Books in dozens of languages – many of which we will offer discounts on class sets
For the other 100+ languages, we have Books, Audio cds, Software.