
Cultural Exposure – Reality check for your kids

Cindy Tracy

Going out for Mexican food for dinner last night inspired me to write this article. Whatever language your child (or YOU!) is studying (except Latin) - try to find an opportunity to use it in the community at least once a month. You don't have to be able to afford...

Monthly Drawing

Cindy Tracy

We just had a simple link before for the drawing - but I think it was confusing. No one entered our drawing in May, so I updated the form and think it is easier to use. I also SLASHED the prices on videos - these are REAL bargains for people...

$500 Cash and Prizes Contests

Cindy Tracy

I knew that title would get your attention. Some of you already know that Etienne and World of Reading are sponsoring a contest for French and Spanish students to create a video - in French to the rap "Pourquoi take French?" and in Spanish - to any song on the Educorock...

Hello world

Cindy Tracy1 comment

This is my first post to our new blog. I have been working for over 4 months on our “new and improved” website. Tell me what you think! I hope you find it easier to navigate, but feel free to give me feedback. I plan to use it to comment...