Colección Los Mejores - Odinir y los ratones

Foreign Language Learning and ESL Books and Games


SKU: 980-6437-22-5 Playco

Odinir y los ratones Book and Teacher Tool (reproducible activity guide) by Mercedes Gomez Benet and illustrated by Abilio Padrón. The Mouse Orchestra of the Barn of Mexico rehearses in the same theater where Master Jabaliovski, a very grumpy director, tries to direct his bored musicians. But Odonir and his mice will teach him a lesson that he'll never forget. A fun book that will provoke musical laughter in its readers.

Hardback, 32 pages.
Advanced Readers: 7 to 12 years
Genres: Author Stories and Tales
Themes: Animals, Fantasy, Humor, Music
Values: Friendship, Collaboration, Tolerance, Justice
Areas of Study: Language and Literature (Tales and Legends)

Get the 25 page "Teacher Tool" a reproducible activity book. We will send a copy on cd-rom with the book to print out as needed.