C'est le Temps CD - This French CD from Etienne offers original songs for 2nd to 3rd year student to reinforce grammatical & thematical structures through current music. Canadian Music's 'Children's Album of the Year' Award Winner!!!
This great CD includes the following songs:
Le futur A contagious dance song that targets the verb "Aller"; including conjugation and spelling. A perfect tool on Futur Proche.
A-I-S A thumping techno track that will have your students conjugating all verbs using 'l'imparfait' and 'le conditionnel.'
C'est le Temps An in-your-face alternative rock song targeting the comprensión and manipulation of verbs in the imperative form.
Les verbes pronominaux An energetic club dance song highlighting comprehension and manipulation of various types of 'reflexive verbs.'
Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp A rock anthem dedicated to the key verbs that use être in 'le passé composé.'
Prononcez-les bien A rap song that specifically establishes proper pronunciation of difficult and common sounds in French. Students repeat these popular tongue-twisters en route to a better understanding of pronunciation.
Vouloir, c'est pouvoir A hip-hop song aimed at comprehension and manipulation of the verbs 'vouloir' and 'pouvoir.' Students will master these verbs in various tenses and situations.
Les Numéros A clever rap song dealing with the comprehension and pronunciation of numbers. This song prepares students to handle numbers from zero to one billion.
A la Mode A relaxing and fun reggae song that introduces key 'clothing' vocabulary. Learn this song and run your own in-class fashion show!
J'étais l'imparfait A powerfully real rock song that allows you to discuss teenage issues such as labeling, loneliness, personal issues and the importance of making good choices; all while reinforcing conjugation of verbs in the imperfect tense.
Le bleu de tes yeux An impassioned love song designed for units on romance and love in literature, poetry and song. Perfect for a class debate on the meaning of love and relationships.
C'est le Temps (Remix) A bold rap version of the song that targets comprehension and manipulation of words in the imperative form. Students will sing and move to the directions of Étienne; learning key words and phrases.