Abrir Paso 4E - Paraguay

Foreign Language Learning and ESL Books and Games


SKU: 2-921554-50-X Miraflores

Abrir Paso 4E - Paraguay - This Miraflores unit deals with history, religion and linguistics.

  • Treinta comunidades utópicas: los jesuitas en el Paraguay
  • Paraguay, paí­s bilingüe
  • Nota cultural: saludos y despedidas

Teachers think that because they know little about Paraguay, they should stick to Mexico and Spain. But Paraguay is such a fascinating country and the story of the Jesuit missions is unique. All the information the teacher needs is included! Live and learn! The Jesuits and a bilingual country! Interesting materials, content-based and culturally relevant.

Subject matter: history, religion; linguistics

Vocabulary: conquest; school
Grammar: por and para; preterit; conditional
Oral practice: paternalism, theocracy; repress a language, proper time to learn a language
Homework: a religious community; learn a language
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search