World's Wackiest Spanish Joke Book by Sue Fenton. 500 puns guaranteed to drive you across the Rio Groan-de! Paperback, 133 pages. Learning Spanish vocabulary has never been such great fun! Put away the boring lists, crack open this book, put on a smile, and chuckle! Let humor and creative word plays help you learn Spanish vocabulary like never before!
The jokes & puns are intended for anyone 10 years and up, for Spanish students, teachers, and for adult young-at-heart lovers of Spanish who want to review or learn more Spanish and appreciate unpredictable and amusing word plays.
14 chapters
Animals, Crazy (¡Muy loco!), Mexico, Art, Family, Restaurant, Birds, Fruits, Spain, Body, House, Vegetables, Calendar & Celebrations.
The book also has cool "FUN FACTS" all about Hispanic cultures.
FUN FACT: "Fajitas" are little girdles.
FUN FACT: According to Guinness World Records, the largest bunch of bananas was grown in the Canary Islands and had 473 bananas on it.
What a perfect gift for:
• parents to give their middle school sons or daughters or relatives who are taking – or are about to take – Spanish.
• high school Spanish students.
• people who love the Spanish language.
• teacher colleagues.
Teachers! This book…
• gives you a challenge for every day of the school year…and more!
• gives you cool "stand-up" comedian material!
• gives you jokes & puns that will spice up your lessons and keep the students' attention!
• will help students make visual, cognitive and affective associations and remember vocabulary more easily!
• makes humorous and creative connections which enhance learning!
• will get your students "groaning" so much that they'll claim they can write better jokes. Just what you wanted! Then you challenge them to write 3 to 5
original puns for the current chapter vocabulary!
• is a perfect gift for that special prize or student award.
• "trains" students to see and make word connections as they study Spanish vocabulary.
What Mexican oven repairman tells people he'll be back?
Horno Schwarzenegger (Arnold; un horno = oven)
What Bruce Springsteen hit is about a free-spirited Mexican grapefruit on a motorcyle?
"Born Toronja" ("Born to Run"; un atoronja = grapefruit)
If you travel from Spain to Romania and you run out of things to wear, where are you?
at the end of Eu-ropa (your rope; la ropa = clothing; Europa = Europe)
Who gave Spanish people the idea to take a two-hour afternoon nap?
their an-siestas (ancestors; una siesta = afternoon nap or break)
How did Seinfeld's friend Elaine describe the Mexican birthday party?
"Piñata, yada yada."