German Grammar Tutor

Foreign Language Learning & ESL Software


SKU: 9781473609785 Idiomware

German Grammar Tutor - Ages 12 - Adult. Comprehensive and customizable German grammar program - now a hybrid CD-ROM. Grammar topics with on-line help for each topic, digitized pronunciation of each word in the glossary, completely editable, tests and an automatic student report card at the end of each session. This program allows the user to add any exercises they want. New version adds many features such as a game, fully pronounced sentences and much more!

Unlimited site license for schools or network version is $145.00.

German Grammar Tutor Hybrid CD-ROM requires for PC: Windows (all); 10MB RAM; SVGA 256 color display; Sound card; CD-ROM drive. Macintosh requires: PowerPC Mac; System 7.1+; CD-ROM drive; 10MB RAM.