4 Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language in Career Promotion


4 Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language in Career Promotion

Cindy Tracy

Professional excellence, consistent career growth and high-paid jobs are everyone's dreams. The world has become highly competitive over the past few years since access to education, and other professional skills has become much more manageable. If you are looking to add something to your resume to make it impressive and distinctive, learning a new language is what you should consider

How to Improve Your Second Language Skills for Your Job

Cindy Tracy

If you speak more than one language, you know how impressive it sounds to tell someone that you can speak various languages—being eloquent and fluent in a second language not only helps you while travelling.

5 Benefits of Reading Foreign Literature

Cindy Tracy

Literature is undeniably a timeless piece of art that never fails to entertain us be it a poem, a novel, or a drama, we can please our aesthetic sense by getting hold of any well-versed piece of literature. 

Proverbs in different languages

Cindy Tracy

I saw this on the omniglot website and had to share. Some of these sayings are really thought-provoking. If you want to understand them in the original language, please check out our language learning products at www.wor.com Arabic قوّة الإنسان فى عقله و لسانه (qūwatu l-ʾinsāni fi ʿaqlihi wa lisānihi)...