Six Effective Ways to Boost your Child's Learning and Development through Books

NewsChildrens Books

Six Effective Ways to Boost your Child's Learning and Development through Books

Cindy Tracy1 comment

Reading books impact both the physical and mental health of a child. Those beneficial effects can last a lifetime. Using MRI scans, research teams have confirmed that reading involves a massive pattern of circuits and signals in the brain.

5 Benefits of Reading Foreign Literature

Cindy Tracy

Literature is undeniably a timeless piece of art that never fails to entertain us be it a poem, a novel, or a drama, we can please our aesthetic sense by getting hold of any well-versed piece of literature. 

L'Imagerie Books from Fleurus Editions

Cindy Tracy

I have been bad, and have severely neglected my blog, working on a completely revamped version of our website. Please take a look at and let me know what you think! Today I want to tell you about a series of delightful French books I found from a pulisher...